Expert consensus on clinical management for chronic kidney disease in diabetes mellitus in China
糖尿病合并慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease, CKD)在我国患病率高,严重危害患者健康。为提高临床糖尿病合并CKD综合管理水平,中华医学会内分泌学分会、中国内分泌代谢病专科联盟组织专家,在参考国内外核心指南共识的基础上,结合我国特点,讨论并编写本共识。本共识设糖尿病合并CKD的筛查、诊断与分期、风险评估以及临床综合管理章节,旨在为广大临床医生提供糖尿病合并CKD临床管理指导原则,以改善疾病预后及患者生活质量。
更多The prevalence of diabetes combined with chronic kidney disease(CKD) is alarmingly high in China, posing a significant threat to patient health. To enhance the comprehensive clinical management of diabetes and CKD, experts from the Chinese Society of Endocrinology and the Chinese Endocrinology and Metabolism Specialist Alliance have developed this consensus. This was achieved by integrating core guidelines and consensuses from both domestic and international sources, tailored to China clinical practice. The consensus encompasses: Screening, diagnosis and staging, risk assessment, and comprehensive management. It aims to provide clinical guidelines for healthcare professionals, with the goal of improving disease prognosis and patient quality of life.
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